Open Houses on Tennessee’s Civil Rights Movement


Tennessee History for Kids will do three student open house events in May 2024. These events are meant to be broadcast LIVE to entire classrooms (see right column for more details).

Here is the remaining schedule:

The first Black students who integrated Clinton High School got to meet Rosa Parks (top left) at the Highlander Folk School (Highlander Research and Education Center photo)

Thursday, May 9 — The Civil Rights Movement in Tennessee

We will review the stories behind the Fayette County Tent Cities, the Highlander Folk School, the integration of Oak Ridge and Clinton High Schools, and the Nashville Sit-Ins. All five of these events were huge and involved incredible back stories. We’ll try to explain it all — even though we won’t have time to go into a huge amount of detail!

This event is recommended for 5th, 8th, the U.S. history class typically taken in the 11th grade, and for any students taking the high school elective course on Tennessee history.

Click here to register for the May 9 event on the Civil Rights Movement in Tennessee.